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  Trang Thông Tin Lê Văn Phận

Academic Skills: Grammar

Web resources providing students with English practice in grammar.
This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site.

Đây là các liên kết đến các trang học tiếng Anh trên mạng có rất nhiều chủ đề: gammar, từ vựng, luyện nghe, viết...



Grammar Cheatsheet for Bloggers


LessonCorner has organized a collection of Grammar lesson plans and worksheets.
If you would like to link to them please use the following url:

Teaching Tips - Written by Daisy Stocker who has an MA in Education and taught primary school here in Canada for 30 years. 
ESL Curriculum
ESL Activities
We are very proud of our website, which is going into our 16th year online. Our curriculum is currently used in over 100 countries (full list here -  and our Children's curriclum has over 15,000 copies in print.  


Grammar Lesson Plans -

In recognition for your work helping teachers find online resources, we would like to offer
you a free lifetime premium membership to LessonCorner. To enjoy this offer simply sign
up for a free membership -
Then reply to this email with the username you chose and I will
activate your lifetime premium membership.

About Us: At LessonCorner our goal is not only to create the best
collection of worksheets and lesson plans on the web, but also to make it free.
Our freemium business model allows all users to access many of the site's features.
In addition, users can receive a free 1 year premium membership by sharing
their lessons and worksheets with the community.

Activities by Level
General Topics
Grammar Questions Answered
Multimedia Lessons
There is/There are
Verbs/Irregular Verbs
Verbs/Passive and Active
Verbs/Phrasal Verbs
Verbs/Present Perfect
Writing Skills

Số lần xem trang : 14959
Nhập ngày : 01-04-2008
Điều chỉnh lần cuối : 11-10-2017

Ý kiến của bạn về bài viết này

In trang này

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Gởi ý kiến

  Học tiếng Anh

  Một số trang học tiếng Anh khác(12-11-2008)

  Tự điển hình

  Fun can be fun (11-11-2008)

  Interesting Things for ESL Students(11-11-2008)

  Nghe tiếng Anh đọc chậm trên Special English(01-04-2008)

Lê Văn Phận Đc:Quản trị mạng - Trường ĐH Nông Lâm TP.HCM - Email: lvphan(a)

Thiết kế: Quản trị mạng- ĐHNL 2007