The following installation instructions are intended for users of Windows 95, 98, NT, and Windows 2000 operating systems. Users of Windows 3.1, Unix, Macintosh, Linux, and OS/2 operating systems are encouraged to test this product with the appropriate versions of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, however, Industrial Press cannot provide technical support for these operating systems. The enclosed CD contains the Machinery's Handbook 26th Edition files and the Adobe Acrobat reader required to view the Handbook files. Machinery's Handbook can be viewed from the CD without installing the Acrobat Reader software onto your computer hard drive, or the included installation files can be used to install the Adobe Acrobat software onto your hard drive. Follow the instructions below: Machinery's Handbook 26th Edition includes the following files, located in the MH26 directory: y0.pdf Front Matter ya.pdf Mathematics yb.pdf Mechanics yc.pdf Strength of Materials yd.pdf Properties, Treatment, and Testing of Materials yf.pdf Dimensioning, Gaging, and Measuring yg.pdf Tooling and Toolmaking yh.pdf Machining Operations yi.pdf Manufacturing Processes yj.pdf Fasteners yk.pdf Threads and Threading yl.pdf Gears, Splines, and Cams ym.pdf Machine Elements yn.pdf Measuring Units h26IX.pdf Index To view the Machinery's Handbook files without installing Acrobat: A preinstalled version of Adobe Acrobat is included in the RdrSrch\Reader directory of the CD. Start the Acrobat Reader software by running the program ACRORD32.EXE located in the RdrSrch/Reader directory. To start the preinstalled version of Adobe Acrobat from the CD: 1)Locate the RdrSrch\Reader directory of the CD in Windows Explorer and double-click on the icon for ACRORD32.EXE or 2)Click on the Start Menu, then Run, and type in X:\RdrSrch\Reader\ACRORD32.exe, substituting the drive letter of your CD-ROM reader for the X, and then select the OK button. To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader on the hard drive: 1) Locate the root directory (highest level) of the CD in Windows Explorer and double-click on the icon for ACRS4ENU.EXE and then follow the on screen instructions or 2)Click on the Start Menu, then Run, and type in X:\ACRS4ENU.EXE, substituting the drive letter of your CD-ROM reader for the X, and then select the OK button. To start viewing the Machinery's H