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Rolling Motion Problems

  1. A ball of radius r and mass m rolls without slipping down an incline and into a loop-the-loop of radius R. If the ball starts at an initial height h above the bottom of the loop, what is the minimum value for h such that the ball just completes the loop-the-loop? Assume that r is much less than R.

    Solution: We have solved this problem in the past by assuming that the object slid without friction along the track. The condition for maintaining contact with the track is unchanged from that problem. At every point along the path, the forces acting on the ball (the gravitational force, the normal force of the track, and the frictional force) must act so as to satisfy the centripetal condition. Since the velocity of the center-of-mass will be lowest at the top of the loop and the normal and gravitational forces will both be pointing down there, this point sets the condition for maintaining contact with the track (see the figure below).

    To maintain a circular path along the track, at the top of the loop we must have

    -FN - mg = -mvtop/R

    The minimum height, h, corresponds to the minimum velocity at the top of the loop since we know it is the work done by gravity that imparts kinetic energy to the ball. In turn, the minimum velocity at the top of the loop corresponds to FN = 0. So, mvtop, min2 = mgR ==> vtop, min2 = gR.

    For rolling without slipping, mechanical energy is conserved (since static friction on the ball does no work), so, at the top of the loop

    Wgrav = Ktrans. + Krot.
    mg(h - 2R) = ½ mvtop2 + ½ I*omegatop2

    For the minimum height, h, we need to set vtop to vtop, min and to note that v = omega*r for rolling without slipping. Thus,

    mg(h - 2R) = ½ mvtop, min2 + ½ I*omegatop2
    = ½ mvtop, min2 + ½ (2/5 mr2)(vtop, min/r)2
    mg(h - 2R) = 7/10 mvtop, min2
    g(h - 2R) = 7/10 gR ==>
    h = 7/10 R + 2R = 2.7R

    We note that this result for the minimum h is higher than in the case of a sliding object (2.5 R) since some of the work done by gravity goes into rotating the ball, and the center-of-mass therefore goes more slowly for rolling than for sliding.

  2. A cue ball of mass M and radius R is hit such that the force is directed horizontally along a line which is a distance h above the center line of the ball (see the figure). The ball is on a horizontal, level surface. What is the value of h such that the ball immediately begins rolling without slipping after the force is applied by a cue stick?

    Solution: First, we need to make some reasonable assumptions to simplify the problem. We assume that the force of the cue stick on the ball is large and over a very short period of time so that, for this time period, the change in the translational motion of the ball is determined exclusively by the cue stick force. In other words, we will ignore the frictional force acting on the ball during the time the cue stick is acting. Second, since rolling without slipping is to begin immediately, we assume the instantaneous acceleration of the center-of-mass, a, is equal to alpha*R. If we consider the torque about an axis through the center-of-mass and perpendicular to the page, then, assuming that the frictional force is negligible for the short time that the cue stick force is acting, we can get the torque acting about this axis from the diagram below

    Only the component of the force which is perpendicular to the line connecting the point where the force acts and the axis of rotation contributes to the angular acceleration. This component is shown as Fx. The torque is

    Fsin(theta)*R = I*alpha
    F*R*sin(theta) = (2/5)MR2*a/R
    Fh = (2/5)MRa

    The acceleration of the center-of-mass during the time F is acting is a = F/M if we assume the frictional force is negligible during this time. So, using this in our previous result

    Fh = = (2/5)MRa
    = (2/5)MR*(F/M) ==>
    h = 2/5 R

    So we want to hit the cue ball at a point 2/5 R above the center. Hitting below this point causes the ball to slide some distance before rolling without slipping. Hitting above this point causes the cue ball to have top spin. It spins faster than it should and has to slow its rotation rate before rolling without slipping can begin.

  3. A cue ball is struck so that the force applied by the cue stick is horizontal and directly along the center of the ball. If the coefficient of friction of the ball on the table felt is mu and the initial velocity of the ball after being struck is v0 (assume both of these are known), then how far does the ball travel before rolling without slipping begins?

    Solution: First, we note from our previous problem that if we hit the ball at a height less than 2/5 R above the center, then rolling does not begin immediately. In fact, if we hit the ball dead center, then the ball begins sliding with no initial angular velocity, hence omega0 = 0. As the ball slides, the only force acting in the horizontal direction on it is the friction. This frictional force causes a torque fR = I*alpha. We can not assume that alpha = a/R while the ball is sliding, however, the condition for rolling without slipping to begin is the time at which v = omega*R. Thus the initial velocity and angular velocity are v0 and 0, respectively, and the final velocity and angular velocity are v and omega where v = omega*R.

    The angular velocity as a function of time can be found once the angular acceleration is known, so

    fR = I*alpha
    muMgR = (2/5)MR2alpha ==>
    alpha = (5/2)mug/R

    Let's say that rolling without slipping begins at a time t. The angular velocity after a time t is

    omega = omega0 + alpha*t = 5mugt/2R

    But, by definition of t, omega = v/R, so

    omega = 5mugt/2R ==> v = (5/2)mugt

    Now, the translation equation of motion gives us the deceleration of the center-of-mass velocity

    -f = -muMg = Ma ==> a = -mug

    Since this acceleration is constant, we can use one of the equations for motion to relate the initial and final velocities

    v = v0 + at
    (5/2)mugt = v0 - mugt ==>
    (7/2)mugt = v0 ==>
    t = 2v0/(7mug)

    The distance traveled in this time is

    d = v0t - ½ at2
    = v0[2v0/(7mug)] - ½ (mug/2) [2v0/(7mug)]2 ==>
    = 2v02/(7mug) - (2/49) [v02/(7mug] ==>
    d = 12v02/(49mug)

    Next: Statics Up: Completing the Circle Previous: Rolling Motion
    Thu Jan 29 17:25:19 EST 1998