Trang thông tin NGUYỄN DUY NĂNG

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Nội dung

\n"; if($lng=="en") $sql1="select user,stt, tenen as ten, link from menu_new where hienthi='1' and user='".$row3["user"]."' order by thutu"; else $sql1="select user,stt, tenvn as ten, link from menu_new where hienthi='1' and user='".$row3["user"]."' order by thutu"; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); $num_results1=mysql_num_rows($result1); for($j=0; $j<$num_results1;$j++) { $row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1); echo ""; //sub menu if($lng=="en") $sql4="select stt,stt_sub, tenen as ten, Link,user from submenu where hienthi='1' and user='".$row3["user"]."' and stt='$sttsub' order by thutu"; else $sql4="select stt,stt_sub,tenvn as ten, Link,user from submenu where hienthi='1' and user='".$row3["user"]."' and stt='$sttsub' order by thutu"; // echo $sql4; $result4=mysql_query($sql4); $num_results4=mysql_num_rows($result4); if($num_resutls4>=0) { echo "
    \n"; for($j4=0; $j4<$num_results4;$j4++) { $row4=mysql_fetch_array($result4); if(substr($row4["Link"],0,4)=="http") //if co http truoc echo "
  • ".$row4["ten"]."
  • "; else echo "
  • ".$row4["ten"]."
  • "; //hien th tieu de noi dung if($lng!="en") $sql="select id,tieudevn as tieude,ngay,user from noidung where nhom='".$row4["stt_sub"]."' and hienthi='1' and user='".$row4["user"]."' order by sapxep "; else $sql="select id,tieudeen,user as tieude,ngay from noidung where nhom='".$row4["stt_sub"]."' and hienthi='1' and user='".$row4["user"]."' order by sapxep"; // echo $sql; $result=mysql_query($sql); $num_results=mysql_num_rows($result); for( $i=0; $i <$num_results;$i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "


    \n"; } } //end for echo "
\n"; }//end for }//end if }//nhom mysql_close(); ?> .

TS Nguyễn Duy Năng - Bm Thủy Nông - Khoa Nông học - Phòng 312 Khu Phượng Vỹ Email:

Thiết kế: Quản trị mạng- ĐHNL 2007