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  TS. Nguyễn Tri Quang Hưng - Khoa Môi trường& Tài nguyên, Đại học Nông Lâm Tp.HCM

    Thailand is a country with fast industrialization in Southeast Asia and now is facing with hazardous wastes discharge from industrial and human activities. Cement kiln using hazardous waste such as PCBs/ POPs as alternative fuel not only can help saving money by fuel cost but also to the destroy hazardous efficiently. But, before got license from government to firing hazardous waste, cement kiln must be monitored to assess its impact to surrounding environment. Baseline monitoring must be carefully conducted to predict the impact levels when no hazardous waste is burnt. 

    SCCC’s kiln 05 was selected for monitoring in this research with the focus on the stack emission of SPM and BTEX level. The ambient air measurements were also conducted for SPM, BTEX and PCB by High-Vol and Mini-Vol equipment. For stack, US.EPA Modified Method 5 monitoring was used. Alternative wastes feeding to SCCC’s kiln 05 arranging from 5 – 15% of coal heating value so that to have enough heating values for cement kiln operation. 

    Totally 7 ambient air samples collected with TSP ranging from 191 to maximum value is 220 µg/ m3 which not exceed Thailand Ambient Air Quality Standard. Benzene concentration is widely fluctrated from 1.9 to 5.2 µg/ m3.Only 5 PCB congeners analysised and found in ambient air samples Other pollutant parameters measured in ambient air not exceeded Thailand standard. Overall, 6 stack samples collected in SCCC’s kiln 05 which showed low BTEX value and SPM are quite widely range from 9.6 to 13.7 mg/ m3. All gaseous of HCl, NOx, SOx, CO were not exceeded Thailand standard for cement kiln emission. All 5 PCBs congenrs were found in the stack gas with higher level in the gaseous phase. 

    The baseline monitoring at SCCC’s should be further monitored including when no waste is co-fueled. More toxic PCBs, especially those non-orthor toxic PCBs should be included in the future study.

Số lần xem trang : 14815
Nhập ngày : 15-04-2008
Điều chỉnh lần cuối : 15-04-2008

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TS. Nguyễn Tri Quang Hưng, Khoa Môi Trường & Tài Nguyên, Trường ĐH Nông Lâm Tp.HCM - Khu phố 6, Phường Linh Trung, Quận Thủ Đức, Tp.HCM Email: quanghungmt(at)


Thiết kế: Quản trị mạng- ĐHNL 2007