Nguyễn Minh Đức
Since obtaining membership in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 1998, Vietnamese fishery product exports, especially frozen catfish fillets, to the US increased significantly supported by the bilateral trade agreement (BTA) between the two countries signed in December 2001. With similarities of texture and taste but of lower price, catfish imports from Vietnam were a concern of US catfish producers. To protect its catfish sector, the US Congress passed a labeling law in November 2002 restricting the use of the word “catfish” to only those fish of the Ictaluridae family, which is farmed popularly in US southern states. Antidumping measures, a trade policy permitted by the WTO, were also issued by the US in 2003 leading to tariffs ranging from 44.66% to 63.88% levied on frozen fillet catfish imported from Vietnam.
This paper applies selected econometric models examining the effects of the US laws and policy on prices and trade flows, as a part of a comparative case study of other primary production. The models show that the antidumping tariff raised the US domestic price of processed catfish and lowered the Vietnamese export price. The fall in the price of Vietnamese catfish caused by the US tariff raised market demand outside the US and consequently boosted the Vietnamese export volume of catfish. Empirical models with monthly data from January 1999 to December 2005 examined effects of the BTA, the US antidumping and the labeling laws on price and the trade flow of frozen catfish fillets. While the bilateral trade agreement benefited the US consumers, the antidumping measures were not favourable to them and to US farmers. The labeling law in reality harmed the US catfish industry.
Xem toàn văn Số lần xem trang : 14852 Nhập ngày : 08-08-2010 Điều chỉnh lần cuối : 03-05-2011 Ý kiến của bạn về bài viết này
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